

Virtue a moral Excellence…! Virtue - a genuine beauty in and of a person that makes then lovely and extraordinary.

To reach to that extraordinary level of moral excellence one has to find their core identity, realize their self believes and most important be yourself – no matter what.

Few years ago I met a person in my trainings, who was suffering from low self esteem and identity crisis. According to her, she was doing everything best possible to fit into her new family after her marriage. The entire training sessions she discussed about the tragedies she faced. How rude the people were and what all she had to take in her new life. But, she couldn’t help herself getting isolated with lowliness. She was so nerves and irritated with her own self that she never allowed co-participants to get friendly in the training program me. The misery and unhappiness in her life was completely visible. In her examples, she even mentioned about her suicidal intentions she got sometimes.

In the process of fitting in a new family she has just lost her self- identity and self being. She did only those things which other liked or wanting from her and totally ignored herself.
How can someone be happy without being themselves?

'' Nobody is as miserable as he who longs to be somebody and something other than the person what he is in his body and mind. ''

What you are actually is defined by the identity you have for yourself and when you act against it then your personality doesn’t support it. And there the clash of core identity and made identity occurs. So before this happens, study your own personality and find out what you are. No matter what happens be yourself.

The complex of all the attributes--behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental--that characterize a unique individual is your personality… knowing your inner and outer personality is very important to grow virtually.

In my Fashion designing classes I came across with a person who is extremely talented and creative but due to his physical appearance he was keeping himself at low profile…without expressing much of his ideas in front of the pupil. Fortunately, the faculty was well experienced and knows how to boost her students. One day she called up this guy and asked him to explain his creations in detail to all the fellow mates… even though initially he was bit scared…to come out of his last row, with all the classmates encouragement he came out and started explaining his innovative creation. To everybody’s surprise he was extremely talented. The faculty said: I know why you try to hide; you are ashamed of your features, and the boy got embarrassed but the faculty continued telling – is that a crime not being glamorous and gorgeous? That, you hide yourself, all the time. Unlock yourself and everyone will love you when they see you Valuing yourself. Your talents are exposed in better way when you communicate about it.

Compared to what we must to be with our natural abilities we are merely half of it. We human possess immense power which we habitually fail to use.

Let’s not waste our power and time on what others talk about us OR by comparing ourselves with others…instead, think you are something new in this world, because you are not like others. The science of genetics informs us that we are what we are…as we are result of twenty-four chromosomes contributed by our mother and father individually.

Each individual is different, and there would be no one like you before and never again throughout all the ages, there will be anyone like you. Every person is unique in themselves.

All these comparisons, fears, inferiorities create a feeble personality which targets your self confidence and self esteem. When you understand that you are unique and there is and was never a scope to compare then your morals gets boosted with high values and core principles of your inner self that supports your core identity in reaching your moral excellence i.e. the self Virtue.

Virtue is the color, form, shape of ones personality. It is the way they do things; the way they move, speak, and dress; simple, sober and composed. They may have no money but if a person has virtue, they will always seem rich, for everything close to them will be filled with quality. Virtue shines outwards into everything; into environment; into body and into every tissue and fibre of plant and living being.

It fills what is empty, heals what is sick, and settles what is troubled.
But underneath virtue there must be silence. When silence and virtue live together in one person, there is perfection.

Utilize those immense powers you possess
Live strong with passion!!!

Vahini Muniganti



Virtue - a moral Excellence…! Virtue - a genuine beauty in and of a person that makes them lovely and extraordinary.

To reach to that extraordinary level of moral excellence one has to find their core identity, realize their self believes and most important, be yourself – no matter what.

Few years ago I met a person in my trainings, who was suffering from low self esteem and identity crisis. According to her, she was doing everything best possible to fit into her new family after her marriage. The entire training sessions she discussed about the tragedies she faced. How rude the people were and what all she had to take in her new life. But, she couldn’t help herself getting isolated with lowliness. She was so nerves and irritated with her own self that she never allowed other participants to get friendly. The misery and unhappiness in her life was completely visible. In her examples, she even mentioned about her suicidal intentions she got sometimes.

In the process of fitting in a new family she has just lost her self- identity and self being. She did only those things which other liked or wanting from her and totally ignored herself.

How can someone be happy without being themselves?

'' Nobody is as miserable as he who longs to be somebody and something other than the person what he is in his body and mind. ''

What you are actually is defined by the identity you have for yourself and when you act against it then your personality doesn’t support it. And there the clash of core identity and made identity occurs. So before this happens, study your own personality and find out what you are. No matter what happens be yourself.

The complex of all the attributes--behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental--that characterize a unique individual is your personality… knowing your inner and outer personality is very important to grow virtually.

In my Fashion designing classes I came across with a person who is extremely talented and creative but due to his physical appearance he was keeping himself at low profile…without expressing much of his ideas in front of the pupil. Fortunately, the faculty was well experienced and knows how to boost her students. One day she called up this guy and asked him to explain his creations in detail to all the fellow mates… even though initially he was bit scared…to come out of his last row, with all the classmates encouragement he came out and started explaining his innovative creation. To everybody’s surprise he was extremely talented. The faculty said: I know why you try to hide; you are ashamed of your features, and the boy got embarrassed but the faculty continued telling – is that a crime not being glamorous and gorgeous? That, you hide yourself, all the time. Unlock yourself and everyone will love you when they see you Valuing yourself. Your talents are exposed in better way when you communicate about it.

Compared to what we must to be with our natural abilities we are merely half of it. We human possess immense power which we habitually fail to use.

Let’s not waste our power and time on what others talk about us OR by comparing ourselves with others…instead, think you are something new in this world, because you are not like others. The science of genetics informs us that we are what we are…as we are result of twenty-four chromosomes contributed by our mother and father individually.

Each individual is different, and there would be no one like you before and never again throughout all the ages, there will be anyone like you. Every person is unique in themselves.

All these comparisons, fears, inferiorities create a feeble personality which targets your self confidence and self esteem. When you understand that you are unique and there is and was never a scope to compare then your morals gets boosted with high values and core principles of your inner self that supports your core identity in reaching your moral excellence i.e. the self Virtue.

Virtue is the color, form, shape of ones personality. It is the way they do things; the way they move, speak, and dress; simple, sober and composed. They may have no money but if a person has virtue, they will always seem rich, for everything close to them will be filled with quality. Virtue shines outwards into everything; into environment; into body and into every tissue and fibre of plant and living being.

It fills what is empty, heals what is sick, and settles what is troubled.

But underneath virtue there must be silence. When silence and virtue live together in one person, there is peace, there is bliss, there is true fulfillment, there is evolution in your very being.

Utilize those immense powers you possess

Share Courage, Spread Love!

Vahini Reddy



Don’t undermine your worth by comparing
Yourself with others,
It is because we are different that each
Of us is special.
Don’t set your goals by what other people
estimate important,
Only you know what is best for you.
Don’t take for granted the things closest
To your heart
Cling to that as you would your life, for without
Them life is meaningless.
Don’t let your life slip through your fingers by living
In the past or the future.
By living your life one day at a time, you live all the
Days of your life.
Don’t give up when you still have something to give
Nothing is really over … until the moment
You stop trying.
Don’t be afraid to admit that you are less
Than perfect,
It is the fragile thread that binds us to each other.
Don’t be afraid to encounter risks,
It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.
Don’t shut love out of your life by saying it’s
Impossible to find.
The quickest way to receive love is to give love.
The fastest way to lose love is to hold on too tightly,
And the best way to keep love is to give it wings.
Don’t dismiss your Dreams. To be without
Dreams is to be without hope.
To be without hope is to be without purpose.
Don’t run through life so fast that you forget
Where you’ve been,
But also know where you’re going.
Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored
Every step of the way.